Sunday, January 31, 2010

Copout, Holdout, Dropout or Allout? Which One Are You?

First, there are the “Copouts” – These are people who don’t have goals. They just want to remain the same and do nothing different to change their lives or the lives of anyone around them. You know the type.

Second, there are the “Holdouts” – These are people who would like to be more, do more and have more, but are afraid. They allow their fears to control them and never get started on the path to their dreams.

Then there are the “Dropouts” – These people get started, but just never finish. They do not keep their committments and do not continue fostering relationships. They have all the potential, but none of the results because they buy their own excuses time and time again.

And Finally, the “Allouts” – These are the people with the results. These are the people who are on the leaderboards, who get recognition on calls and webinars, who walk the stage.
These are the people who entered into their business not just with a Resolution, but for a REVOlution and do whatever it takes to be successful – no excuses, no stories or reasons why they couldn’t, shouldn’t or wouldn’t get the job done.

So, after reading the above information, you’ll know exactly which type of OUT you are.
Copout, Holdout, Dropout or Allout!

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