Friday, January 15, 2010

Generating Leads withOUT Spending a Dime

Recently I sent an email to my list of friends from multiple companies with a request of their top 5 problems they are having with their networking businesses. Overwhelmingly the number one response was "How do I generate more leads?".

So with that in mind, I want to give you some simple, proven tips and strategies that you can implement right away.

The first one is Youtube. Believe it or not, you can get lots of leads over a period of time by utilizing this FREE service.

What you want to do is go to create an account and then start posting short INFORMATIONAL videos on either your company or tips you can give people that would help them. Over a period of time your videos will begin to rank higher in search engines and YouTube specific searches. People who are looking for what you have to offer will often contact you and request info. You can take this to a much higher level with some systems and tips I learned from Carbon Copy Pro. is the site I use.

Another great way to build leads is to subscribe to social networks. The obvious ones are Facebook and Twitter first. Some additional suggestions are: FriendFeed,, Brightkite and more.

Another great way to generate FREE leads is Blogging. This is exactly what I am doing on this site. :) I try and post relevant information that can help people. Eventually you build rapport with people and If anything happens to their current company or they are just looking to move from one company to the next, and they like you, there’s a good chance you are the one they are going to contact.

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Our Team show you how it worked for them. or 801-953-1888

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