Monday, February 1, 2010

How Much to Start up the Business?

A very nice lady, whom I went to high school with, emailed me via Facebook two weeks ago to ask me a question about my business.

Instead of explaining in detail about the low start up cost, why Stephen & I left our old Company and Product, I didn't even mention the Break Even Bonus, I offered her and her family FREE SAMPLES requesting their feedback and that they watch the videos posted on my website.

In any case, she said "Yes" and was sent the samples. Today, when she emailed me back, after providing me with a list of excuses as to why she can't possibly work this business, she asked, “How Much to Start up the Business?”

My response:

"That’s a good question Marie, but what I have found is that people who ask what it costs before they even know what “it” is, are more concerned about spending money than earning it. The truth is, there is far more of an investment of your time, energy and creativity than there is of money."

Her second question was, "How Long until the Residual Income is Coming In?". Again, My response:

"And the residual income? Well, that depends on how much you want in return. I don’t know how much you will put in or how committed you will be, so truly, that is impossible for me to answer. Again, you must put in more of your time, talent and discipline, than money, to be successful.

I can tell you want my results have been, but that would not be accurate for you to make a decision as I may have put more, or less, time and energy than you are willing to commit to be successful."

So, the moral of the story?

By providing value and then perhaps very gently suggesting that if a person is interested in your business, to let you know, you might create enough curiosity resulting in a new prospect or lead.

Certainly, you want to be more interested in them, than interesting to them.

Learn more about them than they learn about you.

With this formula, you can’t go wrong.

Marie certainly appreciated it.

After all, the Investment is never just about capital, but about how much of yourself you are willing to put into your business - which is far more valuable than money.

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