Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yoli Does it Again: The Full Court Convention Press


Miss the Blastoff The “Yoli Decade” Webinar with all 6 Yoli Founders? Click Here Now to watch online now.


The New Year is now upon all of us. As we have all made new commitments and set new goals and resolutions it’s important to remember that now is the time to make them happen and to take action. The timing has never been better to get involved with Yoli. Due to the Yoli Founders’ and your proven leadership skills, the WOW factor products, the unbelievable price points, the revolutionary Break Even Bonus, the rich, lucrative compensation plan, the effective goYoli marketing systems, and more, Yoli has been able to attract some the most amazing, talented, and proven professional network marketing Distributors- just like you.

Yoli made network marketing history when we did well over $1 million dollars in sales in November 2009. We now have the opportunity to make history all over again at our first annual Yoli Convention on January 22, 2010. Yoli has invested crazy amounts of money to make this an event something you will never forget. We know that you will be at the convention. The question now is how many people on your team will each of you be responsible for bringing?

As a partner in your success and in realizing that convention will be the biggest catalyst to helping you achieve your financial dreams in 2010, we created a special new incentive to pack the seats at convention. Check out the amazing promotion and details below:

Convention Ticket Promotion:

1. Every Distributor who already has or does purchase a convention ticket through midnight January 8, 2010 will automatically receive a FREE convention guest pass ($250 value) to give to anyone they choose.* These tickets will be mailed the week of January 10, 2009.

2. Starting January 4, 2010 and going through January 15, 2010, any new Distributors who enrolls and purchases an initial order of 100 PV and signs up on a 50 PV minimum Autoship will receive one (1) FREE convention guest pass ($250 value). Additionally, any new Distributors who enrolls and purchases an initial order of 200 PV and signs up on a 100 PV minimum Autoship will receive two (2) FREE convention guest pass ($500 value). * These tickets will be available on site at the Hospitality Desk.

* These convention guest passes cannot be redeemed for cash or refund. These guest passes don’t count towards any of the promotional convention incentive contests.

So, what do you do with the extra ticket(s)? Ceate a team promotion, give it to someone on your team who deserves it, or you could simply bring a spouse or a guest.

WOW! Yoli has done it again! No more excuses. Now is the time for the full court convention press. We are looking forward to seeing all of you at this historic once-in-a-lifetime event. Let’s make history together.

The Yoli Team

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. www.Sherlock.GoYoli.com or 801-953-1888

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