Thursday, February 25, 2010

6 Mistakes To Avoid As A Home Based Business Owner

For the last 7 years, I have been researching and developing communication and sales techniques that turn people into millionaires. This list is a compilation of the rookie mistakes that many new home base business owners make when they first enter the business. I confess that I have personally committed a number of these mistakes in my day, and still fall prey to them on the occasion. Through continuing education, you, as did I, will be able to recognize when these mistakes arise, and quickly readjust your thinking as you build your home base business.

Mistake #1: We Hunt and Hound Instead of Attract

You are not in the business to “hunt down” prospects to look at your business opportunity, nor do you want to be continuously “hounding” prospects. This is time consuming, emotionally tiring, and plain ol’ bad manners. As in all things, the Golden Rule should apply:

Do unto others as you wish they do unto you.

Do you like to be convinced, manipulated or sold to? Most likely, you like the power of choice, the power to make decisions… and so do the people you want to attract and work with. What/ who are you really seeking after?

You are looking for people that are looking for you.

Be the kind of person you want to work with—a dynamic leader—and dynamic, charismatic people will hunt you for your business.

Mistake #2: We Talk Too Much/ “Puke Information”

When we start a new home based business we are excited, love everything about our company/ product, and want to share it with the world! While we think we’re sharing, in actually, we are “information overload”ing.

In this industry, more is less and less is more. The more you say the less your prospect wants to hear, and the less you say the more they want to hear.

Questions are the answers… Engage your prospect by asking questions about their business, their family, their interest. Find common ground. They in turn will ask you questions, and if they are sincerely interested, they will ask for more information.

Mistake #3: We Exaggerate the Opportunity

Frequently we say to people “It’s so easy, all you have to do is get people on the call” or “I only work 20 minutes a day and now I’m making $5,000/ week” or “I used to wear glasses to fix my eyesight, but this product cured me and now I can see without glasses”.

And they’re thinking… “I need to run away from this person as FAST as possible!”
Honesty is always the best policy. This goes back to mistake #1…
You are looking for people that are looking for you.

Do you really want to work with a person who is easily convinced and swayed by outrageous exaggerations? They will probably leave your opportunity as soon as they joined for the latest fad next week.

Mistake #4: We Spend More Time Managing Instead of Prospecting

When you prospect people for business partners and customers, you will inevitably enroll people, and thus, your business grows. When you spend more of your time training your enrollees, this is called managing. A prosperous home based business will always have this ratio:

80:20 Prospecting: Managing

The moment your ratio shifts into “management mode”, your business will stop growing. It is important that your prospects and enrollees value the time they meet with you. If they are unable to commit to appointments or neglect their assignments prior to meeting with them, guess what you tell them?

You are too busy to manage their business!

Mistake #5: We Look for Needers and Not Leaders

Inherently, we want to help those who stand to benefit from this business most. However, you cannot help those who do not want to help themselves. Aim to work with people that deserve your home based business opportunity, who deserve your time and help, not those who are not will to put in the time, creativity and passion.

People are attracted to leaders… be the leader they are searching for. This will aid you as you shift out the people who will not grow your business.

Mistake #6: We Treat out Home Based Business as a Hobby

This proclamation says it all. Concentrate on your behavior and activity, not on the results. A farmer plants his seeds in the spring time, and may not seed anything appear for weeks. Then the young shoots appear, and then the shoots turn into saplings, and then into true plants. Harvest Time does not appear for 4- 6 months. The farmer knows that he needs to be consistent in his effort to have the results he needs.

We home base business owners must maintain the same, consistent approach. Remember sow now and reap the benefits later.


Now that you are aware of the most common mistakes a new home base business owner make, you will be able to recognize when these mistakes arise, and quickly readjust your thinking as you build your home base business.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting this together.
    Very helpful.
