Sunday, January 31, 2010

Copout, Holdout, Dropout or Allout? Which One Are You?

First, there are the “Copouts” – These are people who don’t have goals. They just want to remain the same and do nothing different to change their lives or the lives of anyone around them. You know the type.

Second, there are the “Holdouts” – These are people who would like to be more, do more and have more, but are afraid. They allow their fears to control them and never get started on the path to their dreams.

Then there are the “Dropouts” – These people get started, but just never finish. They do not keep their committments and do not continue fostering relationships. They have all the potential, but none of the results because they buy their own excuses time and time again.

And Finally, the “Allouts” – These are the people with the results. These are the people who are on the leaderboards, who get recognition on calls and webinars, who walk the stage.
These are the people who entered into their business not just with a Resolution, but for a REVOlution and do whatever it takes to be successful – no excuses, no stories or reasons why they couldn’t, shouldn’t or wouldn’t get the job done.

So, after reading the above information, you’ll know exactly which type of OUT you are.
Copout, Holdout, Dropout or Allout!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Parable of Brother Leo

A legend tells of a French monastery known throughout Europe for the extraordinary leadership of a man known only as Brother Leo. Several monks began a pilgrimage to visit Brother Leo to learn from him. Almost immediately, they began to bicker about who should do various chores.

On the third day they met another monk going to the monastery, and he joined them. This monk never complained or shirked a duty, and whenever the others would fight over a chore, he would gracefully volunteer and do it himself. By the last day, the others were following his example, and from then on they worked together smoothly.

When they reached the monastery and asked to see Brother Leo, the man who greeted them laughed. "But our brother is among you!" And he pointed to the fellow who had joined them.

Today, many people seek leadership positions, not so much for what they can do for others but for what the position can do for them: status, connections, perks, advantages. They do service as an investment, a way to build an impressive resume.

The parable about Brother Leo teaches another model of leadership, where leaders are preoccupied with serving rather than being followed, with giving rather than getting, with doing rather than demanding. Leadership based on example, not command. This is called servant leadership.

Can you imagine how much better things would be if more politicians, educators, and business executives saw themselves as servant leaders?

Michael Josephson

Monday, January 25, 2010

Challenge for Goal- Setters

Personal-achievement expert Bob Proctor has this challenge for goal-setters: "It’s absolutely essential that the goal is something you want. There’s no playing it safe by simply going after what you THINK you can do. You’ve got to want it. And you want it because it’s moving you in the direction of your vision. It’s not just getting a nicer car or earning an extra dollar—your goal is something you dearly want. It’s your heart’s desire. It’s helping you move in the direction of your vision."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Workplace lingo: The good and bad of office jargon

01.12.10 Posted by AP, Chip Cutter

NEW YORK (AP) — At the end of the day, it’s important to achieve a win-win solution. Be sure to think outside the box to demonstrate thought leadership. And harness key learnings to change the game on that mission-critical project.

Confused? You have company. Many workers say they’re fed up with business jargon and corporate buzzwords.

Every industry has its own lingo. In technology, employees use “bandwidth” in conversations that have nothing to do with the Internet, saying things like, “I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with this situation.”

In finance, workers toss about terms such as “best-in-breed” when referring to investments. And young attorneys at large law practices like to say they’re “underwater” when they’re busy, said Bob Knaier, a senior associate at a San Diego firm.

“It’s a nice example of how attorneys want to make things sound much more drastic than they are,” Knaier said. “‘I’m not just busy, but my life is at stake; I’m drowning in work.’”

Business speak does have some up sides, for example, creating a sense of camaraderie among co-workers. But many people still feel it can go a bit too far. Here are some tips for coping with the babble:


Business people use jargon, thinking they’re showing off their intelligence or trying to win respect from their peers, even if it doesn’t work that way, said Michael Sebastian, a Web editor at Ragan Communications, a Chicago-based publishing and training company.

Others turn to jargon to avoid offending people or appearing politically incorrect, said Chelsea Hardaway, the co-author of “Why Business People Speak Like Idiots.”

So they’ll use terms such as “right sizing” for layoffs. Or, Hardaway said, “my plate’s pretty full,” is a way workers avoid saying they’d “rather die than take on your project.”

Jargon can come out of pop culture, too. Business people may not want to acknowledge that much of their work consists of mundane phone calls and e-mails. So, they’ll glamorize their tasks by using terms such as “mission critical” or “centers of excellence,” she said, to make every project sound like a “James Bond mission.”

Of course, jargon often muddles a point and forces people to explain themselves in simple terms. It can also lead to situations where entire offices fear saying anything real, Hardaway said.


Sometimes, it can help to use the same bloated language as your boss, because it often makes you appear part of the group.

“You want to be able to speak the language that people in the corporation are speaking,” said Robert M. McCann, an associate professor at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. “If you cannot speak the lingo, that could hurt you.”

But, at the same time, jargon can frustrate, annoy or intimidate colleagues. And it’s important to realize that.

Kristina Hajjar, the director of communications for the Los Angeles County Fire Department, said the fire service creates acronyms or abbreviations for almost everything. Her boss, the fire chief, is the “FC,” for examples, and a key handbook is known as the “FOG,” for the field operations guide.

She understands the terms now, but said she was at a loss when she was hired 12 years ago.

“It was just like entering a different world,” she said. “I felt like I was really in a foreign country.”

Moreover, that’s how outsiders can feel if they’re visiting a company or getting a sales pitch and they don’t understand everything an employee is saying.


So, if you find yourself speaking a lot of corporate gobbledygook and think it’s getting to be a problem, here’s some advice.

First, ask yourself whether you’d speak the same way at home, as you do in the office.

Sebastian, the Ragan Communications editor, jokes that you’d never say: “‘Hi honey, you really thought outside the box with that dinner — those deliverables with the fresh vegetables were outstanding.’” So why talk that way in the office?

If you need help to break the habit, ask a friend or colleague to hold you accountable. Every time you say a jargon word, agree to pay a penalty that goes toward a happy hour fund or some other purpose.

At the public relations firm Melwood Global, for instance, employees are fined $5 for using the jargon phrase “at the end of the day.”

“We use it way too much,” said John Boit, a co-founder of the company. “It’s a totally senseless and stupid phrase.”

All the jargon money goes to support an orphanage for girls in Kenya.

It can also help to create a list of words to ban, or at least reconsider, in your office, Sebastian said. Enlist the help of your colleagues, and reach out to managers in other departments to get their input, since every work area has its own form of jargon. But be careful you don’t go too far — remember that some people like their jargon.

Sebastian’s recommendation: Elimate “optimize,” ‘’synergies,” ”deliverables,” and “actionables.”

Other possibilities are “stimulus,” ”toxic assets” and “too big to fail,” recently added to Lake Superior State University’s List of Words to Be Banished because they’re overused.

Workers who stop using those trite phrases may find there’s a big payoff, Hardaway said.

“You start to become respected,” she said, “and start to become the only clear voice in this sort of sea of monotony.”

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Generating Leads withOUT Spending a Dime

Recently I sent an email to my list of friends from multiple companies with a request of their top 5 problems they are having with their networking businesses. Overwhelmingly the number one response was "How do I generate more leads?".

So with that in mind, I want to give you some simple, proven tips and strategies that you can implement right away.

The first one is Youtube. Believe it or not, you can get lots of leads over a period of time by utilizing this FREE service.

What you want to do is go to create an account and then start posting short INFORMATIONAL videos on either your company or tips you can give people that would help them. Over a period of time your videos will begin to rank higher in search engines and YouTube specific searches. People who are looking for what you have to offer will often contact you and request info. You can take this to a much higher level with some systems and tips I learned from Carbon Copy Pro. is the site I use.

Another great way to build leads is to subscribe to social networks. The obvious ones are Facebook and Twitter first. Some additional suggestions are: FriendFeed,, Brightkite and more.

Another great way to generate FREE leads is Blogging. This is exactly what I am doing on this site. :) I try and post relevant information that can help people. Eventually you build rapport with people and If anything happens to their current company or they are just looking to move from one company to the next, and they like you, there’s a good chance you are the one they are going to contact.

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Our Team show you how it worked for them. or 801-953-1888

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Introduction from 'The Power of Discipline', by Brian Tracy

Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people make more money, live happier lives and accomplish much more in the same number of years than the great majority?

I started out in life with few advantages. I did not graduate from high school. I worked at menial jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.

And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.

Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement. It seems that the reasons for these accomplishments have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every conceivable way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline. As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, "Success is tons of discipline."

Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four.

A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit.

With plenty of room at my table, I immediately arose and invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant, but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.

It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had derived from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.

After we had chatted for awhile, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, "Of all the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?"

He smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, 'Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.'"

He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."

Self-discipline is the key to personal greatness. It is the magic quality that opens all doors for you, and makes everything else possible. With self-discipline, the average person can rise as far and as fast as his talents and intelligence can take him. But without self-discipline, a person with every blessing of background, education and opportunity will seldom rise above mediocrity.

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. or 801-953-1888

Friday, January 8, 2010

Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Jim Rohn

As you know, our mentor and friend Jim Rohn passed away December 5, 2009. We are hosting an event to celebrate his remarkable life. You are invited to join family, long-time friends and many special guest speakers for this memorable evening. Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Chris Widener, Darren Hardy
and others will be there to pay tribute to Jim with thoughts and insights on some of his most powerful success principles.

The event will be held on Saturday, February 6, at the Hilton Anaheim (California). The program will be from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. A pre-program reception will begin at 5:30 p.m. to allow attendees to connect with others whose lives have been impacted by the wisdom of Jim Rohn.

Connect with others and share your memories of Jim Rohn’s life. The event is free. Seating is limited to 2,000. To reserve a ticket for yourself and a guest, click here.

Feel free to forward this to those who also were impacted by his great legacy and might want to attend.

To stay informed about new details on the event as they become available, please visit the Jim Rohn Tribute Site. It continues to be an active destination for posting your personal reflections or memories of Jim. Please also consider joining and sharing with the community of more than 34,500 Jim Rohn fans on Facebook.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 Reasons Why Dreams Don't Take Flight, by Dr. John C. Maxwell

Most of us never see our dreams come true. Instead of soaring through the clouds, our dreams languish like a broken-down airplane confined to its hangar. Through life, I have come to identify five common reasons why dreams don’t take flight.

No. 1 We Have Been Discouraged from Dreaming by Others
We have to pilot our own dreams; we cannot entrust them to anyone else. People who aren’t following their own dreams resent us pursuing ours. Such people feel inadequate when we succeed, so they try to drag us down.

If we listen to external voices, then we allow our dreams to be hijacked. At some point, other people will place limitations on us by doubting our abilities. When surrounded by the turbulence of criticism, we have to grasp the controls tightly to keep from being knocked off course.

No. 2 We Are Hindered by Past Disappointments and Hurts
In the movie Top Gun, Tom Cruise plays Maverick, a young, talented and cocky aviator who dreams of being the premier pilot in the U.S. Navy. In the film’s opening scenes, Maverick showcases his flying ability, but also displays a knack for pushing the envelope with regards to safety. Midway through the movie, Maverick’s characteristic aggression spells disaster. His plane crashes, killing his best friend and co-pilot.

Although cleared of wrongdoing, the painful memory of the accident haunts Maverick. He quits taking risks and loses his edge. Struggling to regain his poise, he considers giving up on his dream. Although the incident nearly wrecks Maverick’s career, he eventually reaches within to find the strength to return to the sky.

Like Maverick, many of us live with the memory of failure embedded in our psyche. Perhaps a business we started went broke, or we were fired from a position of leadership. Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality, and all of us have encountered that gap. Failure is a necessary and natural part of life, but if we’re going to attain our dreams, then, like Maverick, we have to summon the courage to deal with past hurts.

No. 3 We Fall into the Habit of Settling for Average
Average is the norm for a reason. Being exceptional demands extra effort, sustained inspiration and uncommon discipline. When we attempt to give flight to our dreams, we have to overcome the weight of opposition. Like gravity, life’s circumstances constantly pull on our dreams, tugging us down to mediocrity.

Most of us don’t pay the price to overcome the opposition to our dreams. We may start out inspired, but through time, we fatigue. Although never intending to abandon our dreams, we begin to make concessions here and there. Through time, our lives become mundane, and our dreams slip away.

No. 4 We Lack the Confidence Needed to Pursue Our Dreams
Dreams are fragile. They will be buffeted by assaults from all sides. As such, they must be supplied with the extra strength of self-confidence.

In Amelia Earhart’s day, women were not supposed to fly airplanes. If she had lacked self-assurance, she never would have even attempted to be a pilot. Instead, Earhart confidently chased after her dream, and she was rewarded with both fulfillment and fame.

No. 5 We Lack the Imagination to Dream
For thousands of years, mankind traveled along the ground: by foot, by horse-and-buggy, by locomotive, and eventually by automobile. Thanks to the dreams of Orville and Wilbur Wright, we now hop across oceans in a matter of hours. The imaginative brothers overcame ridicule and doubt to pioneer human flight, and the world has never been the same.

Many of us play small because we do not allow ourselves to dream. We trap ourselves in reality and never dare to go beyond what we can see with our eyes. Imagination lifts us beyond average by giving us a vision of life that surpasses what we are experiencing currently. Dreams infuse our spirit with energy and spur us on to greatness.

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. or 801-953-1888

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yoli Does it Again: The Full Court Convention Press

Miss the Blastoff The “Yoli Decade” Webinar with all 6 Yoli Founders? Click Here Now to watch online now.

The New Year is now upon all of us. As we have all made new commitments and set new goals and resolutions it’s important to remember that now is the time to make them happen and to take action. The timing has never been better to get involved with Yoli. Due to the Yoli Founders’ and your proven leadership skills, the WOW factor products, the unbelievable price points, the revolutionary Break Even Bonus, the rich, lucrative compensation plan, the effective goYoli marketing systems, and more, Yoli has been able to attract some the most amazing, talented, and proven professional network marketing Distributors- just like you.

Yoli made network marketing history when we did well over $1 million dollars in sales in November 2009. We now have the opportunity to make history all over again at our first annual Yoli Convention on January 22, 2010. Yoli has invested crazy amounts of money to make this an event something you will never forget. We know that you will be at the convention. The question now is how many people on your team will each of you be responsible for bringing?

As a partner in your success and in realizing that convention will be the biggest catalyst to helping you achieve your financial dreams in 2010, we created a special new incentive to pack the seats at convention. Check out the amazing promotion and details below:

Convention Ticket Promotion:

1. Every Distributor who already has or does purchase a convention ticket through midnight January 8, 2010 will automatically receive a FREE convention guest pass ($250 value) to give to anyone they choose.* These tickets will be mailed the week of January 10, 2009.

2. Starting January 4, 2010 and going through January 15, 2010, any new Distributors who enrolls and purchases an initial order of 100 PV and signs up on a 50 PV minimum Autoship will receive one (1) FREE convention guest pass ($250 value). Additionally, any new Distributors who enrolls and purchases an initial order of 200 PV and signs up on a 100 PV minimum Autoship will receive two (2) FREE convention guest pass ($500 value). * These tickets will be available on site at the Hospitality Desk.

* These convention guest passes cannot be redeemed for cash or refund. These guest passes don’t count towards any of the promotional convention incentive contests.

So, what do you do with the extra ticket(s)? Ceate a team promotion, give it to someone on your team who deserves it, or you could simply bring a spouse or a guest.

WOW! Yoli has done it again! No more excuses. Now is the time for the full court convention press. We are looking forward to seeing all of you at this historic once-in-a-lifetime event. Let’s make history together.

The Yoli Team

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. or 801-953-1888

Successful Life Handbook 2010

By Tribe Team • January 5th, 2010


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don’t over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree…

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come..
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:
40. Please share this blog post with everyone you care about, I just did.

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. or 801-953-1888

Monday, January 4, 2010

Your Dream Begins Today, by Les Brown

What will your life be like when you’ve achieved your most deeply held dreams? Let’s take a look at how you can start living your dreams this very day.

Do you have a dream, a vision of the life you wish to live?
How specific is that dream?
How clear is that vision?
How do you intend to reach it?
What obstacles stand in your way?
Are your fears holding you back or are you using them to move you forward?

Your fears can actually lead you to success. Fear is an intense emotion. But that doesn’t mean it has to control you, or even stop you. Fear can prepare you and push you forward just as strongly as it can hold you back. Fear heightens your awareness and increases your physical strength. Fear brings your mind to sharp focus. With all that going for you, does it make sense to just run and hide? Of course not. Fear gets you in shape to take action!

Are you waiting for things to get better before moving ahead? If you’re serious about success, you need to start taking action today. If you’re waiting for things to be perfect, you’ll wait forever and nothing will ever get done.

The way to achieve is to bloom where you’re planted, to do what you can, where you are, with what you have. It’s easy to think up excuses for not taking action. “If only I had more hours in the day. If only I had a better job. If only I could meet the right person.” But excuses won’t bring you anything of value. You’ve got to change your “if only” into an “I will.” “I will make better use of my time. I will work on improving my career. I will create and nurture my relationships.”

Take a chance. Have faith in yourself. Your circumstances will improve when you make the effort to improve them. Start where you are right now. You have everything it takes to reach for whatever you desire. Stop wishing. Use your time, your energy, your thoughts and efforts to make it happen! You’ll be glad you did!

The Network Business is designed to let you have more time, more freedom, and the advantages of being in your own business, while letting you help others, and without the risk of starting a new career. Let Stephen or Kristen Sherlock show you how it worked for us. or 801-953-1888