Monday, May 10, 2010

Discipline and Loyalty: Are They Dead?

We live in a world where these two great words (discipline and loyalty) are becoming meaningless.

Does this mean that they are worthless?

On the contrary, they are becoming priceless qualities because they are so hard to develop in the first place. And should you be one of the fortunate few who have caught the vision, your battle has just begun because the greatest battle is to keep what you’ve learned from these two priceless qualities.

Discipline is that great quality few people use that enables them to be constructively busy all the time. Even in discouragement and defeat, discipline will rescue you and usher you to a new place to keep constructively busy while you forget about doubt, worry and self-pity.

If more people in this day-and-age would realize the absolute necessity of discipline, and the degree of growth and happiness to be attained from it, what a better world this would be.

Most people think that loyalty is to a "thing" or to a "person", when actually, it is really to one’s own self. Some think that it is to a goal or an objective, but, again, it is to one’s own convictions. If loyalty has to be earned, then it is deserved, more than devoted emotion based on a temporary feeling. Loyalty is the character of a person who has taken upon them-self the task before them, and they will always realize that out of a loyal heart will spring all the other virtues that make life one of depth and growth.

As my mentor Jim Rohn once said,

"The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, ‘I wish someone would come by and turn me on.' What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life."

If you aren't disciplined and loyal to yourself, your goals, your convictions, you will never have the motivation to accomplish the goals most valuable to you.

Will you commit, today, to write down your game plan, and commit yourself to achieving the desired outcome?

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